Good evening. This is an important announcement regarding a bus cancellation for tomorrow Monday January 27th. Bus 03 in the Webster Springs area will not be running in the morning or evening. Again bus 03 will not be running tomorrow Monday 27th. Thank you. Have a good evening.
1 day ago, Jeremy Pyle
Free coaching for families available.
28 days ago, Attendance Nutrition & Student Services Director
Attendance data - a weekly comparison. There is an increase of ADA in all schools in Webster County. #9isfinebutlessisprime #attendancematters
about 2 months ago, Attendance Nutrition & Student Services Director
Just a reminder for all homeschool families. An assessment is required annually and must be retained by the parent for at least three years. If you would like your child to participate in the WV Summative Assessment programs (WVGSA for grades 3-8 or College Board's SAT School Day for grade 11), you must submit the Request to Participate form no later than Thursday, December 12th, 2024. For a student to participate in the WVGSA 3-8 or the Digital SAT School Day exams they must be approved, and the WVDE must upload their data into the assessment platforms. You may register to participate at the following link:
about 2 months ago, WC Director of Student and Administrative Support
Coaching for parents resource.
2 months ago, Attendance Nutrition & Student Services Director
Superintendent Arbogast and the Webster County Board of Education would like to thank Bill Lake and Lake Lumber for the removal of the tree debris at Hacker Valley Elementary School. Your support is greatly appreciated.
2 months ago, Stacey Williams
This Wednesday, October 16th will be a Professional Learning Day for staff. There will be NO SCHOOL for students.
4 months ago, Stacey Williams
There will be a volunteer training tomorrow at 6:30 at Webster County High School. There will be other trainings coming up in the year as well for those unable to attend. This year, the Board of Education has made provisions to cover the cost of the fingerprint/ background checks on a first come first serve basis. All volunteers, new and returning must complete the volunteer form on the board website under parent forms. Volunteers who attended the training and completed the background check last year will not need to attend. Training and background checks are good for three years.
4 months ago, Stacey Williams
This Friday, October 4th, there will be a two-hour early dismissal for students in grades 4-12 for Faculty Senate. Grades K-3 will not have school to provide time for parent meetings to write Individual Reading and Math Learning Plans as per HB 3035. Pre-K students do not attend school on Fridays.
4 months ago, Stacey Williams
Webster County Schools would like to provide parents with resources regarding mental health, bullying, and suicide prevention. The West Virginia Department of Education has partnered with to provide free resources to all West Virginia families. This resource includes an “Ask a Therapist” component as well as courses that families can take on line to help gain knowledge regarding many subjects that parents face each day, but directly regarding the challenges students and families face. Available, free courses that may be helpful to our community include:     •    grief and loss     •    Parent support     •    Bullying     •    Suicide prevention     •    Anxiety & depression also has Parent Coaching resources that gives families free access to an individual that can provide coaching for your specific needs, the coaches check in on a reoccurring basis to allow follow up, continued guidance and ongoing support. Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988
4 months ago, Stacey Williams
Webster County Schools will be dismissing early tomorrow, September 26th in order for staff and friends to pay respects in honor of the recent passing of a student. Dismissal times are as follows: Hacker Valley Elementary School: 11:00 Webster Springs Elementary School: 11:00 Glade Elementary School: 11:10 Webster County High School: 11:30
4 months ago, Stacey Williams
To the Parents and Families of Webster County Schools: This morning, we experienced the tragic loss of one of our students. We are all heartbroken and extend our prayers and sympathy to everyone that this has had an impact on. At this time, we have multiple counselors on site at Webster County High School to provide counseling services to students. These services will continue until 6:00 this evening and for the remainder of this week. If you, as the parent/guardian, feel that it is in your child's best interest to go home, you may come to the high school and sign your child out. School will operate on a normal schedule today with buses running their normal evening runs. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Webster County High School at 304-226-5772. Respectfully- Joseph Arbogast, Superintendent Webster County Schools
4 months ago, Stacey Williams
Webster County Families: All schools in Webster County will be open and operating tomorrow, September 13th. There have been some unsubstantiated school threats made across several states that are being investigated by the FBI. Webster County Schools will have increased police protection at our schools tomorrow for precautionary purposes. NO direct threats have been made to the Webster County School District at this time. We would like to thank our local and state law enforcement agencies for their assistance and commitment to help protect our children and community. - Joseph Arbogast Superintendent of Webster County Schools
5 months ago, Stacey Williams
Audio Livestream of tonight's Webster County Board of Education meeting will be available at this link:
5 months ago, Stacey Williams
9 is fine, but less is prime. Attendance Matters.
5 months ago, Attendance Nutrition & Student Services Director
Attendance Matters
Superintendent Arbogast has released guidance to help mitigate illnesses in schools.
5 months ago, Stacey Williams
School in Webster County begins tomorrow Monday, August 26th for all students in grades K-12. We look forward to seeing everyone there.
5 months ago, Stacey Williams
Back to School
The last day of summer school at Hacker Valley School is this Thursday, August 1st. There will not be summer school or summer feeding at Hacker Valley on Friday, August 2nd. Enjoy the rest of your summer.
6 months ago, WC Director of Student and Administrative Support
There will be no summer feeding sites open on Thursday, July 4th or Friday, July 5th due to the Independence Day holiday. There will be no Energy Express at Webster Springs Elementary on July 4th or 5th. All summer school programs will resume on Monday, July 8th as originally scheduled. Stay safe and enjoy the holiday.
7 months ago, WC Director of Student and Administrative Support
This is a reminder to all Energy Express families at Webster Springs Elementary. The afternoon buses will run at 12:30 daily from June 24th to July 5th.
7 months ago, WC Director of Student and Administrative Support