Attendance and Social Services

Chelsie Dillon
Attendance Director
Chronic Medical
Home School
Virtual School
Work Permits
304.847.5638 Ext. 2212


Webster County's Virtual School
Webster County Schools offers a virtual learning experience for students in 6th through 12th grades. This option offers off-campus learning for students which addresses the same learning standards taught in the regular classroom.
During virtual learning students are expected to follow a special daily schedule. Students who choose virtual learning are expected to remain enrolled in the program for at least a semester. Transfers back to in-person learning will only take place at the end of the semester or if a student is failing, at the end of a grading period.
Requirements include:
Completion of online application
Home internet access
Daily virtual attendance for each course (between the hours of 8 to 4).
Webster County's Virtual School students:
Receive instruction from state-certified teachers
Receive use of an Apple iPad
Have access to school counselors and social workers
Receive appropriate special education services
Are eligible to participate in athletics
Receive report cards
Take accredited courses
Earn a diploma from Webster County High School
Webster County virtual students are required to participate in state-mandated assessments.
For more information, please contact Chelsie Dillon, Director of Attendance and Social Services, by email at or by calling 304-847-5638 extension 2212.

Student Work Permits
All work permit applications are to be sent to the BOE. After reviewing, we will then forward the permit to Child Labor Department.
Work Permit for a Fourteen or Fifteen Year Old Minor