Health & Wellness
Wellness Committee Meeting
Join Our Wellness Committee - The Webster County Board of Education Office Child Nutrition and Wellness wishes to extend an invitation to join our Wellness Committee. Our Wellness Policy promotes the well-documented link between nutrition, physical activity, and learning. It is the Wellness Committee’s role to help schools ensure students establish and maintain healthy eating and physical activity patterns that will last a lifetime.
The committee meets biannually to discuss important issues within our school system and serve as resources for implementing policies and procedures related to the health and fitness of students. We always welcome new members, whether they are parents, students, school personnel, or other interested individuals within our community. So please pass on the word and let us know if you are interested.
Wellness Policy
Food Policies and Resources
Resources for Parents
Resources for Teachers
Resources for Principals

School Parties and Snacks
The Webster County Schools Wellness Policy allows school parties with administrative approval. We encourage the use of Federal Smart Snack Guidelines when selecting food items for school parties.
Each food item must:
Be commercially packaged
Have a Nutrition Facts panel and ingredient list (for students with allergies and/or special diets)
By Chelsie Dillon