Clerk of the Works


315 South Main Street

Webster Springs, WV 26288

            The Webster Board of Education is seeking to hire contracted services for a Clerk-of-the-Works for the Safe School Entryways, interior renovations, and other SBA construction projects for Webster County Schools.

POSITION:  Clerk of the Works

RESPONSIBILITIES:  Observe work being performed by contractors at the construction site and file reports in accordance with the construction contract documents.  Attend project meetings as the Owners Representative, monitor construction progress, maintain records as directed.

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  Architectural or engineering degree or equivalent knowledge and experience with WV inspection codes and standards in commercial or industrial construction.  Must have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of all phases of non-residential construction and be capable of evaluating construction.

PREFERRED: 3-years practical experience as a supervisor, foreman or Clerk-of-the-Works for non-residential construction projects.

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS:  Individuals should have valid driver’s license and prepared to use personal vehicle between project locations, access to digital camera / cell phone for onsite photograph documentation and personal cell phone for onsite communication.

Qualified individuals interested in this position should submit resumes no later than 3:00 p.m. local prevailing time on March 17, 2025, at the Administrative Office of Webster County Schools, 315 South Main Street, Webster Springs West Virginia 26288.

The hourly rate will be $35.00 per hour.

The Webster Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informalities.

Joseph Arbogast, Superintendent

Webster County Schools

315 South Main Street

Webster Springs, WV 26288 

The Webster County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, marital status, or in employment or in relation to its activities.  Inquiries should be addressed to the Title IX/504 Coordinators, 315 South Main Street, Webster Springs, WV 26288, or to the Department of Education’s Director of the Office of Civil Rights